
Unity C# Design Patterns

Paul Leska

I love developing games and other applications using Unity and over the years I have learned some nice design patterns. These patterns can make games you develop in Unity easier to maintain and expand. Most often when you see introductory videos or blogs discussing Unity they don’t show use of these more advanced patterns and tend to prefer use of static variables, singletons or well known scene objects. But as your game gets larger, patterns like this can make it more flexible, easier to expand and much easier to maintain.

Using Azure DevOps APIs with Power BI

Paul Leska

I have started to learn ways to access data in Azure DevOps and was curious how hard it is to extract data using the Azure DevOps API inside Power BI. I knew that I could build integration solutions to augment the Analytics that come out of Azure DevOps into a NoSQL database or Storage Account but was curious how hard it would be to access the API directly and use the data. I figured out how to get data about builds performed in Azure DevOps Pipelines.

Packer and Terraform Development - Part 1

Paul Leska

Something I have been doing a lot is creating automation to generate cloud environments in Microsoft Azure. One thing that took me a while to figure out was how to have a good development experience using Azure as a backend when doing this development on Windows. In this post I talk about how I have setup a developer environment that is compatible with a CI/CD pipeline experience later. I love having a good CI/CD pipeline but I find doing development with running the pipeline repeatedly can be cumbersome and also hard to debug.

Azure Static Website

Paul Leska

To create this website I thought I would give a run at using the new Azure static web sites feature that Azure storage can provide. One thing I wanted to understand is how to host the site with reasonably lower costs and at the same time provide a secure SSL connection to the blog.